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Re: exim + fetchmail configuration question

On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 02:41:45PM -0500, Michael A. Miller wrote:
| I'm about to move inside of a firewall.  I'm told that I can get
| my mail from our imap server (which is outside the firewall)
| using fetchmail.  This fails with a message that says
|   Some addresses were rejected by the MDA fetchmail forwards to.
|   Reporting-MTA: dns; localhost
|   Final-Recipient: rfc822; miller@localhost
|   Last-Attempt-Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 14:23:40 -0500 (EST)
|   Action: failed
|   Status: m.0.0
|   Diagnostic-Code: miller: 550 relaying to <miller@localhost> prohibited by administrator
| I think that can solve this problem if I add localhost to me
| local_domains in the exim config file.  Would someone with exim
| expertise let me know if this is the correct way to do this?

Exim has been configured not to accept mail for "miller@localhost".
Is "localhost" a local_domain?  Does "miller" exist on the system?
How did you configure exim (eximconfig? what were your answers?)?

| Or if there is a better way?

I'd just put
    options mda "/usr/sbin/exim %T"
in your .fetchmailrc so that fetchmail uses a pipe instead of trying
to do an SMTP connection.  Of course, exim still needs to be
configured to properly deliver local mail.



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