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Re: X Configuration in Woody

On 01/12/02 14:51:51 -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> * Mark Wagnon (mark_wagnon@yahoo.com) spake thusly:
> ...The problem is that it's
> > driving my monitor at a resolution that 1) renders everything too
> > small to read, and 2) that AFAIK, is outstide my monitor's
> > capabilities.
> If it's a CRT monitor, max resolution depends on refresh rate. 
> Your manual may list 1024x768@65Hz as the max, but the monitor 
> will work at e.g. 1280x1024@56Hz. Max refresh rate on the video
> card also depends on the number of colour bits per pixel: higher
> bpp -> lower refresh rate. Oh, and lower refresh rates are bad
> for your eyes. Fluorescent lights flickering at 50Hz and monitor
> flickering at 56Hz is a particularly nasty combination.

It is a CRT. I always thought that driving your monitor harder than
what its specs call for will result in a smoking paper weight. I
usually shoot for a refresh rate around 70 Hz.

> There's a program called xvidtune, try it. Also, try pressing
> Ctrl - Alt - Grey + (or Grey -) to cycle through video modes.

I've used xvidtune to fine tune my modelines in the past. There
doesn't seem to be the traditional modeline in the XF86Config-4 file.
Also, I generally set my monitor to use just one resolution. Maybe a
bad idea, but in any case, I cannot cycle through resolutions using
the Ctrl-Alt-+/- keys.

> Modern monitors go blank if you try driving them outside the
> specs. Old ones may go titsup.

My monitor (a Sony Multiscan 200ES) is more than a couple years old. I
would prefer it to keep its tits down ;-)

That just reminded me of something. When I run xvidtune, it recognizes
my monitor. Okay, this just got weirder. I fired up X just now to run
xvidtune again. I ran it using my normal user account and X ran fine
(at the correct resolution and everything). I had been running it as
root before when I was receiving the incorrect resolution. Yep, still
wrong as root. What the heck??? This is a nice little puzzle.

> As for fonts, you can tell X to use bigger fonts.

heh. Those are going to need to be some BIG fonts for me to see the
text without squinting.

Thanks for the help. If you think of anything else, please let me
  Mark Wagnon <mark_wagnon@yahoo.com>

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