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Re: SIGPIPE thrown from an MDA or a stream socket error

On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 12:08:22AM +0200, Ian Balchin wrote:
| While using fetchmail all goes OK until reaching message 91 and then
| 'reading message No 91'
| SIGPIPE thrown from an MDA or a stream socket error
| fetchmail: socket error while fetching from (my isp)
| fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
| and then it fetchmail terminates.

What is your MDA?  (the "mda" option in fetchmail.conf)  Look in its
log file to see why it is failing.

| Since each message up to 91 has been downloaded and deleted on the
| host I do not understand how the same messages are downloaded on the
| next attempt and the above process repeated as many times as i dial
| in.

I think fetchmail doesn't delete the messages on the server until they
are delivered locally.  I'm not sure if it does them in batches at all
or not.

| Is this me or the isp?




An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up.
        Proverbs 12:25

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