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Re: Debian Vs RedHat

also sprach nate <debian-user@aphroland.org> [2002.01.11.0152 +0100]:
> i also don't like that packages install all to /usr/local. i can see
> how ports would do this but i would expect software installed via
> sysinstall to go to /usr

i wouldn't, but its about as useful a discussion as which whisky is best.
ports@freebsd.org - if you want to convince people. they aren't going to
flame if you argue sensibly.

> i avoid ports whenever i can. i use sysinstall to install binary
> packages, but that can be a pain because the search function does not
> work on any of the installs i've done. and it has to re download the
> INDEX file everytime i use it, even if its only been 30 seconds since
> i last used it.

never used it. i use pkg_add. doesn't suffer from that.

> i attempted to deploy OpenBSD firewalls but the eepro driver was not
> stable on openbsd for the dual port chipset my systems had. openbsd
> would panic after a few minutes under nil load doing NAT. openbsd
> mailing list never responded to my questions.

openbsd's mailing list tends to be picky. did you post from a properly
reverse-resolvable address (yes, i know why i ask)?

> i later deployed an openBSD nameserver and it ran for about 6 months
> till i attempted to upgrade it to 2.9 (from 2.8) and the upgrade tried
> to compile a bunch of crap i didn't want and didn't have installed
> like kerberos. that and the compile bombed everytime(memory error or
> something). being 900 miles away i could not install off hte CD. so i
> had someone local wipe it out and put debian on it. least i don't have
> to reboot it to upgrade(OBSD 2.8-2.9 reccomended/required recompiling
> the kernel and rebooting before upgrading the system itself)

openbsd does feel like an old, warted version of free, but to be
perfectly honest, i love the guys behind it, which is why i like openbsd
actually. let alone the blowfish!

but: in terms of security, i don't think openbsd has that sort of leap
before the others anymore as it used to. netbsd is quite awesome, and
debian shouldn't complain...

> now i am waiting for freebsd 4.5 to come out to see if there are any
> related horrors to upgrading it like there was with openbsd. hoping
> there is not.

4.5-PRERELEASE running here with no problems.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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