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spamassassin/procmail generating blank message

i've installed spamassassin, and stuck the following recipes in my
~/.procmailrc file:

| /usr/local/bin/spamassassin

* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES

and haven't seen any spam yet, but it's only been up for a few

what i *have* been getting is a ton of messages -- about one per
minute, which is incidentally how often i have cron set to check mail,
but i don't think it's related, because it's not every minute, on the
minute -- just frequently -- from no one, no header, nothing,
completely blank, with the date 'Jan 01', 0 size, and with an 'F'
status flag ("message is from you"). so obviously i'm causing this
somehow, but i have no idea how.  the above are the only modifications
i've made to anything having to do with mail filtering.  help?




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