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tricky debian woody update problem

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I have a server running debian woody and I normally use dselect to decide 
which packages to install.  I hadn't updated it since about July last year 
and I came along to install razor which was shown on the debian web site 
under "testing".  In order to do this I needed to do a dselect  update in 
order to find the version of the package that was on the server.

Of course, since its been a long while since the last update this then caused 
the download and subsequent update of about 230 packages.  As you all know 
dselect causes them all to be downloaded (fortunately I have a cable modem 
connection) and then starts to update them one by one (I guess in some 
controlled order).

Immediately after it had updated libc6 the script that is controlling the 
process failed and I can not install any more (segfaulted).  I connect into 
that machine using ssh from outside and when things fail I can continue to 
run bash etc over ssh although random commands just segfault.  Eventually I 
close ssh but at that point I can never connect again - it seems to get as 
far as the bash prompt (I get message of the day up) and then segfaults and 
the connection is lost.  I assume that all I am doing is contining to run 
processes that are holding open the old version libc6 library file and 
therefore it still keeping the file until eventually the processes exit.

At this point I have a nearly dead machine.  I connect up a monitor (spare 
keyboard is always connected) and see the login prompt but cannot login 
(never prompted for password, straight back to login).  Eventually I reboot 
the machine at which point sysvinit obviously runs but the /etc/rcS.d scripts 
never run and I am thrown straight into login prompts (on several tty) but 
cannot login.

OK - I thought, will just load up by boot floppy with busybox dpkg and 
dpkg_deb on it.  I have all the downloaded .debs (and I had them on another 
machine anyway - all I need to do is find which ones are needed to get as far 
as login  and the manually expand the files in them and copy all the /lib 
/bin /sbin /usr/lib /usr/bin and /usr/sbin files in each deb so that I have a 
consistent good set.  I concentrate on bash and the libpam libraries as that 
looks like it will give me the biggest gain.

However after a few hours of this manual hell it still isn't any better.  In 
the end I just revert to last nights backup (disk to disk every night - saved 
my bacon several times) by copying the /bin /sbin /lib files and the same in 
the /usr directory back over.

I now have a working (but not upgraded) system again.  In fact I can apt-get 
install razor and only razor gets loaded - but I cannot really get the whole 
system updated.

What is happening here?  

It seems to me that I have a chicken and egg situation with no way around.  I 
need to update libc6 AND the processes that depend on it at the same time.  I 
can't update libc6 without screwing up some processes and I can't update the 
processes without then screwing up because of an old version of libc6.  And 
if anything serious breaks I often end up loosing the network and then am 
completely stuffed.

How is debian's packaging system supposed to handle a situation like this?

How can I get up to date?

At the moment the only thing I can think of doing is to download a testing CD 
image from somewhere and make a CD-R of it - then re-install the root 
partition (effectively blowing away the existing contents) - keeping the 
other partitions intact.  I can re-instate /etc files from my backup once I 
have done that to get my old configuration back into working order.

Anyone got any better ideas?

and last question

The only debian woody cds I can see out there on the net are in ".raw" 
format, but I am totally unable to find any reference as to what .raw format 
means and how to convert them to .iso files so I can burn a CD.  How do I do 

- -- 

  Alan - alan@chandlerfamily.org.uk
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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