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Re: potato -> woody idepci lost scsi and ipchains

    "Marco" == Marco Franzen <marco@pika.marco.franzen.bigfoot.com> writes:

    Marco> What is going on here?  Why are most modules missing?  Are
    Marco> they in a separate package now?  (I cannot remember exactly
    Marco> how I installed potato.  That was years ago.  But I don't
    Marco> think I had to install the modules separately.)

Well, idepci has a lot of modules missing. It includes just the common
IDE/PCI drivers so it's not surprising that you are missing, for
example, SCSI drivers ;-) Just apt-get a generic kernel. Use the
generic 2.4 kernel if you don't mind using some disk space, it
installs most of the modules and works great.

Look in the /boot/config-2.x (where x is your kernel version) file to
see what comes with the specific kernel you installed.


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