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Re: should . be followed by doublespace?

Martin A. Hansen <maasha@image.dk> [2002-08-02 16:59:17 +0200]:
> wrapping with vim tends to make double space after .
> is that on purpose?  should there be double space after finished sentenses?

Generally, yes.  An abreviation is indicated by a period.  A sentence
is too.  An abbreviation does not mark a large thought and requires no
pause after it.  A sentence does end a thought and needs a bigger
pause between thoughts.  Therefore to distinquish sentences from
abbreviations two spaces are generally used.

This also sovles the text editor problem nicely.  When you jump
forward or backward by a sentence, how does the editor determine where
the sentence starts or ends?  Therefore that rule is the common rule
for text editors such as vi, vim and emacs and probably many others.


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