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thanks to all the positive feedback from this list, i've decided to
give the dvorak layout a shot -- just as soon as my wrist heals.
until then, however, since i can only type with my right hand, i'd
like to use dvorak-r.  in console mode, no problem; but in X,
`setxkbmap dvorak-r` doesn't work the way `setxkbmap dvorak` does; i
get an "Error loading new keyboard description".  how can i load the
right-handed dvorak layout?



    .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu 
    /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori/jnl/daily.html
   // \\          @ maenad.net
  /(   )\       www.maenad.net

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