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Re: Woody, Roaring Penguin PPPoE, dyndns.org, and ddclient wierdness

On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 03:16:22AM +0000, Doug MacFarlane wrote:
> I'm experiencing authentication failures and some other wierdness with dyndns.org
> and ddclient on my woody system that uses dsl and pppoe.  Is anyone else
> experiencing this?
> I can log into their site with my userid and password, but the same id/password
> fails for automated updates via ddclient.  I've checked, rechecked, deleted
> and re-entered, made sure there are no extra spaces, etc.  . . . . 
> Is there another dyndns.org client that supports their nic2 protocol that
> is distributed as a debian package?

I am using ddclient to update my ip at dyndns.org. It is possible to
get it to work with the standard Debian packages. However the
documentation is rather old and I am not sure all the command line
options mentioned are correct anymore.

I just type ddclient as root at a prompt to get an update. This
works for me. I have another problem with the timing of the
automated ip-up script that runs ddclient, but this has to do with my
firewall starting too late so my client network software is
generelly unable to reach their destination at startup. I have
posted about this in another message earlier this week.

Can you perform an update by just typing ddclient with no options,
once you are online?


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