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Re: [DEB-USER] Re: alternative motd and logo?

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 10:32:04AM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:

> * System Wizards (cube@linfe.it) [020801 10:35]:
> > Here is a possible alternative motd file and a debian/linux logo, to be
> > used by 'less religiuos' debian users. 
> > My motd file avoids using GNU; i think that such attribution should not 
> > be mandatory.
> Mandatory schmandatory. "Credit where credit is due" is enough of a
> reason to insist that it be called by it's true name: "Debian
> GNU/Linux". Debian is far more than just Linux. My hat's off to the GNU
> project, and if you think you owe them nothing (or that avoiding giving
> them credit is something desirable/admirable) you are deluding yourself
> (and probably only yourself).

I agree that the GNU project deserves credit for much of the software we
use on Linux. However, the argument that we should then make GNU part of
the name is bogus. Shall we prepend the inventor's name of every
invention to the name of the invention? Or every piece of software?
Shall I be called Paul-son-of-Malcolm-and-Alice?

Linus named it Linux. A name is just a name. A name doesn't have to
describe what something does, where it came from, or anything else. GNU
gets puhlenty of credit when the license of 1/3 to 2/3 of the software
on a typical Linux distro is the GPL.


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