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Re: How To mount USB CompactFlash reader

On Thu, 2002-08-01 at 02:41, ROUSLAN DEMIANIOUK wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to read some files from USB CF reader - I have the SCSI and USB 
> storage modules built into the kernel. In /proc/bus/usb/devices I'm able to 
> see the reader but how do I mount it so whenever I plug it in it gets 
> automatically mounted? Hints from googling over the Internet are either 
> incomplete or nonworking.

What brand and model reader is it?  What kernel are you using?
What is the output from lspci?
| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: ron.l.johnson@cox.net             |
| Jefferson, LA  USA                                              |
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| "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment |
|  by men of zeal, well-meaning, but without understanding."      |
|   Justice Louis Brandeis, dissenting, Olmstead v US (1928)      |

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