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Re: Linux at work for a corporate desktop

On Wednesday 31 July 2002 08:35 pm, Michael James wrote:
> Hi ...
> I have been wondering if I am really out there as a Linux user. I
> have been dragging 2 laptops around, 1 Linux, 1 Windows for a couple
> months. Has anyone made the final leap, and dropped the windows
> machines? I am talking about the standard corporate stuff ... email,
> etc.
> I was hoping to give it a go with the Evolution/Exchange connector,
> but we aren't at E2k yet.
> Just wondering what the feeling was.
> Michael

I run VMWare on my work laptop, and make sure any tools I write work 
under Cygwin. This solves 99+% of the problems I encounter working with 
Windows users.

- Derek

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