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Re: dvorak keyboard

On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 09:58:11AM -0400, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> i'm considering switching to dvorak, half on a whim, half because i
> think it might help my geek-related wrist pain (yes, i'm icing and
> am going to call a doctor soon).  two questions:
> 1. i can get it working in console mode fine (`loadkeys dvorak` does
>    the trick), but can't seem to make it work with X.  do i need a
>    different command / keymap / &c.?

setxkbmap dvorak

> 2. does anyone out there use it?  was it hard to switch?  can you now
>    type both layouts?  was it worth it to switch?  how long did it
>    take to retrain?

i switched 5 months ago.  it feels much better, and 
makes sense, as qwerty was designed to slow down 
typing, a concept that was only useful for manual

my reasons for switching started from mere curiosity
but "matured" to "physical comfort."  i was concerned
that i could develop problems with my wrists because 
i like to stay in the console "power curve."  (if i
were overly gui, i probably wouldn't have as much of
a reason to switch.) 

i think some people have actually moved the keys around, 
creative and probably very useful in learning and
using dvorak.  and i think they sell dvorak keyboards 
(where the keys are already moved around into dvorak posi-
tion; but that's probably an expensive proposition).  i was 
more low-brow--memorizing where the new keys are (j is now h; 
k is now t...).  it took about a month for it to feel okay.  
my only regret is that i didn't know about it sooner.  i say 
the same thing about debian, too.  (better late than never.)

i can't see myself going back to qwerty.  dvorak is ef-
ficient, healthier, makes my boxen less tamper worthy.   

good luck!


> i've done a fair amount of googling on this, and people seem to love
> it.  i'd love to hear this list's thoughts on it.
> </nori>
> -- 
>     .~.      nori @ sccs.swarthmore.edu 
>     /V\  http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~nori/jnl/daily.html
>    // \\          @ maenad.net
>   /(   )\       www.maenad.net
>    ^`~'^

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