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Re: Matshita CR-563 driver (sbpcd?)

I tried to send this earlier, but I have recieved no responses and it isn't archived, so I'll try again. In response to madmac:

Hello (again),

>>At that point, it says that there is a CD in the drive,
>>and sometimes even reads its title, but then says
>>"Bad CD," and that although I have a CD its not a
>>Debian CD.

>I had the EXACT same problem.  It turned out that I
>had a data-corruption in the .iso files I downloaded
>via http from debian.uchicago.edu.  I checked the md5
>checksums, and they didn't match.  I downloaded the
>.iso files again, and this time the checksums matched.
>If you need an md5sum for windoze let me know . . . 

I do need help with the md5 checksum, either using WIndows,
using the maching I'm working on installing on (if I can), or (maybe?) a Macintosh G3.

I bought the CDs (from TuxCDs.com), so I can't try re-burning
them, and have a 56k modem so downloading isn't practical.
If they turn out to be corrupt (as they probably will, it seems), do
you have a more reliable source to recommend for buying

>Good Luck


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