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Re: OT: Is make still in ??

* Andrew Fowler (andy@swissroll.net) [020723 00:40]:
> Hi !
> Just getting back in to C++ coding after the last few years on java. 
> Want to know if make is still the made build tool for C/C++/open source
> efforts or has something else come along since ?? (I always hated make -
> those of you who know ant, be glad !)

Yep, make is still "in". Last I used ant it didn't support incremental
builds, so compile times were much longer if you only changed one file
in a project with multiple source files. This may have changed since I
last used it long ago. Makefiles aren't all that bad. If they're really
troubling you, check out the info pages or the O'Reilly book.

good times,
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."  -- Barry Goldwater 

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