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Re: howto Name eth[0 .. n-1] in kernel 2.4.18 vs earlier kernels?

Ah.. I am trying to figure out why eth0 is coming up despite the lack of an alias entry. NO entry at all but the NIC is up.

Stephen Gran wrote:
This one time, at band camp, Hanasaki JiJi said:

I just upgraded to 2.4.18 on debian woody and built my own kernel.  In the
past, there was an alias for "tulip" in the modules file.  This named my
NIC eth0.  In my firewall, it named the NICs eth0 and eth1

In 2.4.18 I cannot seem to find the place to name the NICs.  Where can
this be done?  It will be a big issue on my firewall as eth0 MUST remain
the external nic.


It's the same as in earlier kernels - you create a file under
/etc/modutils/ (mine is ethernet) with lines like:
alias eth0 3c59x
alias eth1 8139too

and run update-modules.  If both cards use the same driver, you can list
the IO addresses (IIRC) to keep the cards the way you want, like:
options cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=9

If all of the above don't get you what you want, you may just have to
physically switch them so the motherboard detects them in their proper


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