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mount as specific user in fstab (su user -c 'mount ~/dir')

Hi All,

I wonder if someone can point me to a decent solution for this annoying
little thing.

I have a vfat partition that is mount in ~/data. It needs to be mounted
by my uid or all the files are owned by root:root which means that I
cant do anything with them.

This means that each time the machine is started, this folder has to be
mounted. I could put it into the .zshrc but then it would be mounted
each time a new terminal was opened.

Current /etc/fstab entry is

/dev/hda11 /home/shri/data  vfat defaults,user,noauto 0 0

Is there a way to specify it in /etc/fstab so it is mounted under a
specific uid. I have looked at the mount man page but have come up

The other way I thought of was to check the output of mount or
/proc/mounts for the /dev/hda11 and if it doesnt exist, mount, else dont
mount. I however, dont know how to do this. 

Does anyone know how to do either of the above or have a better solution
to achieve this.

If neither of the above will work, I suppose it could also go in a
startup script but that feels like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Any help appreciated.


Shri Shrikumar             		Vital State
Email: shri@vitalstate.co.uk		
Web: http://www.vitalstate.co.uk	An Open Source FPS Game

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