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Spamhandling (Was: Re: demographics of debian users (was: ratio of male vs. female debian users))

Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org> wrote:

CW> SpamAssassin takes care of enough of the rest that whatever does slip
CW> through doesn't bother me too much, and I filter rather than bounce so
CW> that I can deal with the very occasional false positive. That said,
CW> these two rules haven't had any false positives for me yet:

Just in the spirit of sharing here's how I use
procmail-spamtrap and Mutt to deal with spam:

In ~/.procmailrc:

  ## Paul Chvostek's procmail-spamtrap
  ## http://www.it.ca/software/procmail-spamtrap
  ## Marked messages in spamfolder
    * ^X-spamtrap:

In ~/.muttrc:

  mailboxes +spam
  fcc-hook spamcop /dev/null
  folder-hook spam 'my_hdr To: <submit.<myspamcopkey>spam.spamcop.net>'
  folder-hook spam 'set signature=""; set mime_forward; set move; set editor=""'
  folder-hook spam 'macro index ,f <forward-message><enter>\.<enter><send-message><clear-flag>N'
  folder-hook spamcop set move
  mbox-hook spamcop +ARKIV/spamcop.gz
  mbox-hook spam +ARKIV/spam.gz
Just hitting ",f" in the spamfolder on a spam will send it
right off to spamcop in the required form.
Diligently reporting to spamcop appears to have lessened the
amount of spam I receive.



"To create man was a quaint and original idea, but to add the sheep
  was tautology."                                      (Mark Twain)

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