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Re: System.map does not match kernel data ???

if you get

"Warning: /boot/System.map-2.2.15 does not match kernel data."

then try copying over the System.map file from /usr/src/linux/ to /boot/.
And overwriting the old.
.. but make a backup of the old one under /boot first.

Waheed Islam

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael D. Schleif" <mds@helices.org>
Sent: 11 July 2002 10:41
Subject: Re: System.map does not match kernel data ???

Daniel Freedman wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2002, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
> >
> > I had this problem on one system after upgrading to woody.  I searched
> > google, found similar complaints; but, it went away with a reboot(TM) ;>
> >
> > Now, this same system displays this same behaviour, again.  It is one of
> > four (4) nearly identical systems, all running same versions of same
> > software and OS -- none of the others display this behaviour:
> <snip>
> > Yes, I believe that reboot(TM) will make this go away; but, O, what a
> > horrible kludge!?!?
> >
> > What can cause this?  How can I prevent this?
> >
> > What do you think?
> I'm guessing you upgraded a kernel of the same upstream version (ie 2.4.18
> or 2.2.19) but different Debian revision, without reboot, thereby replacing
> the System.map file, but keeping the old kernel running (the reboot will
> enact the new kernel).  It's not so much a kludge, as simply a fact that you
> can't switch kernels without reboot.  Look into 2-kernel monte for
> intellectual interest, but probably no practical help for you situation.

# uptime
 10:39:07 up 25 days, 18:23,  5 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.18, 0.23

The reason this system was rebooted then was to see the effect on this
problem.  Until last weekend, this system did *not* exhibit this
problem.  Since then, the problem is back.

No, I have *not* done any kernel modification since last boot.

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

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Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
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