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Re: I dont find ext3 filesystem during installation in Fdisk

On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 06:14:43AM -0700, Armenteros Roberto wrote:

> When I tried to install Debian and created the partitions I could not
> find an option to format the partitions using the ext3 file sytem. In
> that list of supported filesystems i only found ext2. How should I
> proceed to install this filesystem. I have the latest release of
> debian by the way.

Sorry, my earlier answer wasn't really addressing your question. When
you say you have the latest release of Debian, which release are you
talking about? Woody (which supports ext3) hasn't yet actually been
released. If you're installing the current stable version, Potato, I
don't think it gives you the option of starting out with ext3, but you
can easily convert to ext3 later if you want (so long as you make sure
to install a kernel that supports ext3).

On the other hand, if you're installing Woody, I think that should give
you the ext3 option from the beginning. Good luck!

Lance Simmons

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