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Re: keyboard customizations

On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 10:51:53AM -0700, G. L. `Griz' Inabnit wrote:

| Building a machine for a writter friend of mine who uses some very
| customized keyboards. But, with the amount/volumn of 'product' that he
| produces, it must work for him! Anyway, below is a direct quote from him to
| consider while ask my question further on:
| > One thing I hope you or I can do: I used to be able to set functions on the
| > keys I wanted, and put SAVE ALL on the keypad "Enter" key, which is
| > different from the regular "Enter" key.

"SAVE ALL" is an application-specific operation.  In vim you can use
this :

    " for command mode
    map! <kEnter> :wall
    " for insert mode
    inoremap <kEnter> :wall

| > But Microshaft balked that by refusing to recognize it was a
| > distinct key,


Microshaft.score -= 1

| > So far Linux hasn't given it to me, but I'm hoping the future
| > holds better.
Remember that Linux is really just a kernel.  It is the other
applications that you need to change.

| To date "I" have never customized a keyboard for specific
| uses/users.  Although I KNOW that my O/S if very capable of it.

Neither have I, really.  (except for making F1 behave like ESC in vim
since on a laptop keyboard I hit it far too often)

| So, MY question is, how do I specify a Dvorak keyboard, and then
| edit the keylist below that.
| 1. switch to DV2

I believe you can simply choose a different keymap in X, or use
xmodmap to reassign keys individually.

Vim comes with a script ('dvorak.vim') that remaps all the commands so
that when you are using a dvorak keyboard, many vim commands (eg hjkl
for cursor movement) will have the same location on the keyboard
(since the sole reason for choosing hjkl for cursor is the location on
the qwerty keyboard)

| 2. customize specific keys for specific tasks.
This depends on the application.  The OS itself has no tasks that a
key could be bound to.  Sawfish allows you to specify key bindings to
do things based on where the focus is (eg I have A-C-Tab and
A-C-Shift-Tab to cycle between workspaces).  vim also allows you to
map keys to various commands using the various 'map' commands (type
':help map' in vim for reference-style documentation).  For bash and
other programs that use GNU readline, you can edit your ~/.inputrc
file to make those apps behave differently.



The fear of the Lord leads to life:
Then one rests content, untouched by trouble.
        Proverbs 19:23

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