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Re: ghost email after reboot ???

On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 03:13:34PM -0500, Michael D. Schleif wrote:
| Osamu =>
| > Did you check /var/spool/exim/input/ contents?
| No; but, now that I do, I find mail that I thought had been deleted
| weeks ago -- *not* those messages that reappear after reboot, though. 
| Can I just delete these?

It's better not to delete them directly.  Instead run
to get a listing of the messages (exim's id for the message, who it is
for, and a little more info).

Then run
    exim -oMr <id>
to remove message <id> from the queue.

| > What happens if you run "exim -qff" from root on that machine.
| Takes nearly a minute to return to a prompt.

Slow delivery or slow to result in errors.

Check your mainlog (/var/log/exim/mainlog) to see why those messages
are stuck in the queue.
| > What kind of mail is it?  Some message installation program created?
| Mostly post-crash messages about nvi recovery files, system messages
| to root, &c.
Do the nvi recovery files still exist?  If so then it is possible they
are new messages getting re-generated each time.

| Any other ideas?
Find out what is wrong with your exim queue and work from there.



Microsoft: "Windows NT 4.0 now has the same user-interface as Windows 95"
    Windows 95: "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot"
Windows NT 4.0: "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to login"

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