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Re: OT: debian-beer (was Re: wrapping [was: Re: disable paragraph flows in mozilla?])

On Wed, 22 May 2002 13:25:47 -0700
Craig Dickson <crdic@pacbell.net> banged a keyboard:

The Wig & Pen in Canberra au brews their own ale, especially 'Creamy Ale'
{:), which is like a white guinness, almost as thick as Guinness and has a
hint of caramel depending on that months brew.

/me wanders off to the pub

cheers Peter vdM

> Harvey is the guy who's joking. For one thing, Guinness (and all stouts)
> is in fact an ale, so to say you should drink Guinness and not ale is
> absurd. Second, England makes a number of superb beers, including those
> from Fuller's and Samuel Smith (I have yet to have a drink from either
> of those breweries that is less than excellent -- in particular, I
> recommend Fuller's London Porter and Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale).


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