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Re: Problem with sending usenet items with emacs gnus

Em Ter, 2002-05-21 às 12:23, Carl Weidling escreveu:
> I purchased a Debian Woody (Unofficial) distro from Edmunds Enterprises
> and installed it.  It seems OK except I'm having a lot of trouble with
> default configurations for communicating with the outside world.  I've
> already posted some questions (can't telnet in, the Mail transfer agent
> which I think is sendmail, 

The default is Exim. 
$ eximconfig

Try that.

at least sendmail is running, doesn't seem
> to want to play nice with fetchmail, and now this.  I'm afraid I
> don't know much about these kinds of configuration issues.  I still
> have the telnet and mail problems and will have to drop debian if I
> can't resolve them.  I've been using linux since 1994, mostly using
> slackware and somehow managed to get along knowing these configuration
> items until now.
> Anyway, here's my latest-
> When I try to post a message using emacs gnus, it produces a 'From'

Have you configured Emacs properly? Might be that.
Or: your localhost is not configured right. Can you telnet yourself?
Check the archives for localhost configuration.



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