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Re: ext3 problems

also sprach Glen Lee Edwards <glenlee@members.fcwm.org> [2002.05.21.2219 +0200]:
> My Red Hat server crashed when I attempted to upgrade it to 7.3.  
> Unfortunately this is the box I use to host a couple hundred web sites.
> I'm going to install a second hard drive and put Woody on it.  I'd like to
> then be able to access the existing files on the original hard drive from
> Woody.  But they're formatted ext3.  Is there a way I can format them back
> to ext2 without losing all the data, or does debian have a precompiled
> 2.4.x kernel that's ready for ext3 that I can just do an apt-get upgrade
> with?

just run e2fsck out of woody on the partition(s) to recover the
journals, then mount them like regular ext2 file systems. one of the
beauties of ext3... don't mount before running the e2fsck, even

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
sprecare tempo e' una parte importante del vivere.

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