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Re: wrapping [was: Re: disable paragraph flows in mozilla?]

On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 06:05:06AM -0700, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, 20 May 2002, Petro wrote:
> >     Now that you've probably gotten all huffy, no, I don't mean "you"
> >     specifically, I mean "you" in the Outlook using, javascript-RTF
> >     enhanced non-RFC compliant email sending twits out there. If you
> >     fall in to that category, then...
> Whoa!  You must have to deal with superlusers more often than I do.[1]

    I run a few non-computer related mailing lists for some government
    planning types, and I'm on a few more that seem to attract the
    computer illiterate. 

> >     Funny, my Mobile Phone came with Eudora installed on it. I'm waiting
> >     for the USB sync cable so's I can try it out.
> Curious how large that phone is...to have a usable screen on it,
> especially for a nearly real email client, it would need some serious
> screen real estate.

    It's the kyocera smart phone. It's basically a Palm with phone
    wrapped around it. 

> >     He's a nice guy. I'd have urinated in them. Though with beer it'd be
> >     hard to tell the difference.
> Try something other than American beer sometime (again, Oregonian
> microbrews don't qualify as American here).  Speaking of which, it's
> time for a Widmer Bros. Hefeweizen.

    You're assuming I haven't. 

> >     Beer is beer. Budwiser makes more beer because they have bigger
> >     horses, that's all.
> Dude, that's rank.  And until you've tried the non-US beer, don't knock
> it.  8:o)
> [1] Well, anymore.  Now my boblike behaviour is limited purely to this
> list, ever since Excite@Home went down, I've been in recovery.

    I was the Macintosh Hardware and System Specialist for a
    medium-sized almost-p0rn magazine for 18 months. Of course, that was
    3 years ago. I don't do Luser interaction any more. It's too hard on
    the lusers. 

My last cigarette was roughly 29 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes ago.

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