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Re: okidata OL410e: yea or nay?

>>>>> On Mon, 20 May 2002, "BigBobFromLittleRhody" == Bob Bernstein wrote:

  BigBobFromLittleRhody> Has anyone been successful using this printer with
  BigBobFromLittleRhody> Linux (or any other) cups?  I have the recommended
  BigBobFromLittleRhody> ljet4 ppd selected...

Stop right there Bob. (drumroll please...) And the answer is:

Configure this turkey as if it were an old LJ III, which is what it has always 
emulated! I picked, from cupsomatic, this driver:

HPLaserjet 3, Foomatic + ljet3

and we seem to be off to the proverbial printing races. Look Andy Rooney; look 
out Dave Barry! Here I come!

Bob Bernstein
at                                               http://www.ruptured-duck.com
Esmond, Rhode Island

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