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Re: Eth0 issue

On Tuesday 16 April 2002 02:04 pm, curtis wrote:
> I have posted this issue before without getting any results. Having
> tried to remedy the issue on my one also without any results, I am
> giving this a second try. Hopefully somebody can help me.
> Basically, the problem is this: whenever I boot my system (a laptop,
> btw), my eth0 interface does not activate.
> In order to get it to activate I have to type "ifdown eth0", then "ifup
> eth0".  Only then is it finally activated.
> If I look at dmesg, I find the following information possibly relating
> to eth0 during the boot up.
check the archives. this came up a couple of months back. sorry i don't have 
the url to direct you there. maybe someone else can come up with that.


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