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Re: [Question] Harddisk Error!!! - damage

hi ya
> can you indicate some point of reference to justify that claim? my system 
> runs e2fsck by default after every 20 bootups, and i've yet to notice any 
> damage due to that.

sorry for the confusing comment...

on your box... try to run "e2fsck /dev/hda1"   if your / is on /dev/hda1

normal bootups is configured to do the right thing in the
right sequence so is NOT an problem .... like a user running
e2fsck on a mounted root partition .,,, a very bad idea...

but if you umount it first.. than its cool
	mount -n -o ro /dev/hda1  - take / offline first
	e2fsck /dev/hda1
	mount /dev/hda1  -- put it back online

	and always a good idea to look at any warnings/error messages
	spewed out by the system... 

c ya

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