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Re: Potato vs. Woody

Alan Poulton wrote:
> I was wondering.. should I be sticking with Potato or switch to Woody?
> If I upgrade to Woody, how do I do it? Would I just edit
> /etc/apt/sources.list, replace all "stable" with "woody", then apt-get
> update; apt-get upgrade ?
> A friend of mine, who knows way more about Debian and Linux than I do,
> told me that when she upgraded to Woody some time ago, there were many
> security holes in her system. Do I need to worry about this still?

Depending on your comfort level, you can do either one. I think you'll
find that woody is quite stable, especially if you're on the i386
architecture, so you can comfortably upgrade. Otherwise, you can upgrade
specific packages fairly easily (see informaion on "pinning" releases in
the archives of this list).

NO! you cannot do "apt-get upgrade". You are correct in your upgrade
procedure except that you must edit sources.list, "apt-get update", then
"apt-get dist-upgrade". The "dist-upgrade" takes care of juggling the
complicated dependancies and conflicts that happen with upgrading the
entire ball of wax. The "upgrade" option seems intuitive, but won't
quite work...

I've done this on about eight different systems, with few problems (had
one box with an old-format /etc/lilo.conf file that caused me some
difficulty when I rebuilt the kernel, but that's about it).

Security holes shouldn't be an issue... you're dealing with the newest
software. What issues did your friend have?

Good luck!


Rich Puhek               
ETN Systems Inc.         

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