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Raising the bar on inetd's looping check

My network contains a handful of NCD X terminals of a model which
downloads a large number of small files (mostly fonts) during startup.
inetd sees this and says

inetd[14721]: tftp/udp server failing (looping), service terminated

If it's just one starting up, it gets far enough to be functional
before tftp service is disabled, but woe to anyone who tries to boot
a second one within 5 minutes...

According to `man inetd`,
                            The optional ``max'' suffix (separated from
     ``wait'' or ``nowait'' by a dot) specifies the maximum number of server
     instances that may be spawned from inetd within an interval of 60 sec­
     onds. When omitted, ``max'' defaults to 40.

However, I have tried changing tftpd's "wait" to both "wait.120" and
"wait.max120" and it appears that, either way, this appears to
prevent tftp service from functioning at all.

What is the correct syntax for raising (or just eliminating) the
limit on how many tftpds can spawn per minute without the service
being disabled?

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