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Re: unsubsribe!!!

on Thu, Apr 04, 2002, Karl E. Jorgensen (karl@jorgensen.com) wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 11:39:01AM +0800, Crispin Wellington wrote:
> > [[ snip ]]
> > 
> > Methinks I must implement a filter on my debian-users mail box.
> I tried that. But if they mis-spell unsubscribe, then it doesn't work...

I thought of specifically complaining on that point....

My own procmail rule, part of my lists processing:

# Unsub requests....
* -1^0
* 2^0 ^Subject:[ 	]*$
* 2^0 ^Subject:[ 	]*help$
* 2^0 ^Subject:[ 	]*(un)*subscribe$
* 1^0 ^From:.*accts@tlmbangladesh.org
* 1^0 ^TO:.*\@lists.debian.org

    LOG="Administrative request on list mail"

    # Reply with a helpful suggestion unless a loop header's been found.
	* !^$MY_XLOOP
	* !^X-Been-There:.*fsl.*@lists.alt.org
    | ( formail -rtk -i "From: $OFFADDR" -i "$MY_XLOOP" ; \
	echo "This is an automatically generated message."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "You appear to be sending a subscription, unsubscription, or"; \
	echo "\"help\" message to a mailing list I'm subscribed to.  I am"; \
	echo "not the list manager, just another subscriber."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "For subscription issues, there's often information in the "; \
	echo "list mail itself.  Check the footer or email headers"; \
	echo "(methods for the latter vary by email client), of list mail"; \
	echo "(or of the quoted content of this message) and follow the "; \
	echo "procedures mentioned here, or contact the listed"; \
	echo "administrator."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "Failing that, try searching for a list management website"; \
	echo "for this list via Google (http://www.google.com/) or a"; \
	echo "similar search engine."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "If this still doesn't work, post a detailed description of"; \
	echo "your problem and methods attempted to unsubscribe, to the"; \
	echo "list."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "Note that mis-directed administrative mail to mailing lists"; \
	echo "is considered an annoyance by many (hence this response),"; \
	echo "but I also empathize with those who find themselves deluged"; \
	echo "with the spigot that is many high-traffic lists these days."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "If you're requesting help on a specific topic other than"; \
	echo "list subscription/unsubscription, please supply a more"; \
	echo "meaningful subject line."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "Your original message has been discarded."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "Cheers."; \
	echo ; \
	echo "-- "; cat $HOME/.signature \
	) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>           http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   The Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act:
     Because the Republicans had Enron.

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