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Re: simple database?

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 12:42:58AM -0700, Brian wrote:
> Finally, if you are going to start using databases, you may as well use 
> Postgresql because it is a database you can grow into.

I too need a database, but for huge amount of information, think of
three annotated natural language dictionaries:)

The nice thing of PostgresSQL is that you have a powerfull query
language, so you don't have to program each and every usage.  But..

...the disadvantage is that you have to use that query language.  You
see, those dicts are to be used in a natural language translation
system, so *fast* access is essential in that particular usage, and
that access is rather simplistic, just retrieve the entry on a single
key, so there the power (and overhead) of SQL queries is not needed.

So the big question is:

   Does anyone know whether it's possible to bypass the SQL layer in

I've read that mySQL is based on Berkely db, so there it should be
possible, but people seem to like Postgres better, and I certainly
want to make it a bit more future proof this time around (the program
has been ported with the usual problems al least 3 times before:).

groetjes, carel

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