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Re: Linux & DSL

Good Morning,

* Bodnyk, Bruce W <BBodnyk@fciconnect.com> [020322 14:50]:

> 1. Which is the best vs. easiest client to use? I'm still rather new at
> Linux and not sure I want to tackle rebuilding the kernel just yet.
Just "apt-get install pppoe" and "zless
/usr/share/doc/pppoe/README.Debian.gz" should do fine, it runs very
/fine on mine machine (which in fact was a woody one).

> 2. Do I need my ISPs DNS IP addresses for pppoe? I called the support number
> last night and they told me they didn't have that information to give me.
Yes, you need an DNS IP, if you want to use normal Adresses and not IP
adresses if you use any service ;)
If their support doesn't know them (doesn't show them in bright light),
try to use the "usepeerdns" Option. Most ISPs send their DNS Adresses
during connect negotiations.



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