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Re: Install problems from a newbie

On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 05:15:46PM -0600, Carnes, Kevin wrote:
> OK, after hearing lots of hype about how Linux is the best thing since
> sliced bread, I'm putting the claims to the test and trying to install
> Debian on a new Intel box.  I'm an old VAX/VMS system manager and have
> been playing with computers in various forms for 20 years.
Good thing you are young and not playing with PDP-11 with core memories.

> Can anyone tell me what happened here and what (if anything) I should do
> about it?  I can find no reference to this in the Debian install
> document.

I think first part was answered.  

Do you have NIC?  If so (or fing $20 NE2000/ISA or any TULIP/PCI cards),
then plug them in and try installing through network.  Since you are in
University, it should not be too difficult to find ethernet connections.

As for how to make FDs, you read install manual and use "dd" in Unix or
"rawrite" in DOS.

If you do notworry about installing all sorts of special programs and
just want to feel Linux, I have to agree RH or Mandrake are easy.  But
once you tries to make them function as you wish, Debian is most

Many documents are available at http://www.debian.org/doc/ddp

Cheers :)
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
Osamu Aoki <debian@aokiconsulting.com>, GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D
Visit Debian reference http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/quick-reference/
There are 6 files: index.{en|fr|it}.html quick-reference.{en|fr|it}.txt
I welcome your constructive criticisms and corrections.

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