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Re: Install problems from a newbie

On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 20:03, Joe wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 05:15:46PM -0600, Carnes, Kevin wrote:
> At the risk of getting flamed by this particular group, I might suggest
> starting with another distro just to prove to yourself that Linux is
> indeed easy to install. As much as I happen to like Debian for its
> philosophy, its packaging system, and everything else, the install does
> leave a bit to be desired. Until you've been through it 5 or 10 times
> and maybe grown accustomed to it.
> I am not exaggerating when I say:
> The latest versions of RedHat, Suse, & Mandrake are all far easier to
> install than Windows. And just might do a better job of detecting
> hardware & self-configuring. 
> Debian is not like that.

Aiiii!!  Recommending RPM distros!!!!!  Stone him! Stone him!

Libranet is end-user oriented, and debian-based.
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