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Re: Install problems from a newbie

On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 05:15:46PM -0600, Carnes, Kevin wrote:
> OK, after hearing lots of hype about how Linux is the best thing since
> sliced bread, I'm putting the claims to the test and trying to install
> Debian on a new Intel box.  I'm an old VAX/VMS system manager and have
> been playing with computers in various forms for 20 years.  If Linux is
> so easy to install, I should be able to do it with a minimum of bother,
> right?  NOT!  So, this mailing list request is a test of Linux support.
> I'm assuming this is where you go when stuck.

It's a good option.

> install.  After a line about purging TEX files, it began to give me
> error messages for the next hour and a half.
> hdc:cdrom_decode_status: status = 0X51 {DriveReady Seek Complete Error}
> hdc:cdrom_decode_status: error = 0X34
> hdc: ATAPI reset complete
> hdc: irq timeout: status = 0Xd0 {Busy}
> end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 863016

These are low level hardware problems, and have little to do with the
installation programs.

Might be a bad CD, or some problem with the CD-drive.

If you have a good internet connection, you could try to install just
a minimal system, and download the rest from the internet. But your
NIC was not recognized. Hm.

What NIC do you have? Some people have tried with the wrong drivers,
which have you tried?

> Can anyone tell me what happened here and what (if anything) I should do
> about it?  I can find no reference to this in the Debian install
> document.

That is because it is a hardware related problem.

Note that I use Debian version 3.0
Linux emac140 2.4.17 #1 sön feb 10 20:21:22 CET 2002 i686 unknown

Hans Ekbrand

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