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Re: new twist on shutting down and restricting ssh users

<quote who="dman">
> I want to allow my dad to shut down the router/gateway.  I want to
> do this by creating a login name "halt" that simply shuts down.  I
> did this by making /sbin/halt the shell.  As I understand it, only
> root is allowed to halt a system, so I made halt owned by root:halt
> with
> permissions 4754.  This works, but I am interested in comments on
> the pros/cons of this setup.  In addition, I want to disallow
> loggin in as 'halt' via ssh.  How can I do that?

does this system have console access? sounds like it
does.. it may be better to just remap ctrl-alt-delete to shutdown
instead of reboot ..(/etc/inittab its pretty easy to do).

as for restricting users via ssh , I am not sure how to do this
in openssh, in commercial ssh(ssh.com) there is a built in
support for this. you could also just set the system to key logins
only, and just ssh to it with a RSA key or DSA key if you have
the newer SSH.

I personally do not let anyone in my family touch my
computers, its the unspoken law. Don't go near them.
i setup my ultra 1 so people can use it for stuff, but
my firewalls and real servers are off limits.

can't imagine why you'd need to let someone shut down
a system ....but whatever :)


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