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Re: XFree86 4.1.x ATI Radeon support?

On Wednesday 06 March 2002 15:19, Scott Henson wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-03-06 at 13:30, csj wrote:
> > On 05 Mar 2002 22:38:57 -0500
> >
> > Scott Henson <shenson2@wvu.edu> wrote:
> > >  On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 20:33, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
> > >  > So, can I get myself a Radeon card?
> > >
> > >  Yes you can.  I have Radeon VE, which is a Radeon 7500 but suped up...
> > >  It runs fine under E... also I personally think it runs better than
> > >  under windows.  And if you check on xfree86.org you can check
> > >  compatibility and it is compatible.  So yes.  I love radeons and I
> > > would recomend it.
> >
> > A "Radeon VE, which is a Radeon 7500 but suped up"? Maybe you mean it
> > the other way around. A Radeon VE costs half a Radeon 7500. Now if I
> > know my economics right: expensive = more (but not necessarily useful)
> > features. VE is okay under Sid's X 4.1. I don't know about the numbered
> > Radeons. I think you need to wait for the full 4.2.
> Really?  That cant be right.  My card get identified as a radeon 7500 by
> all of ATI's utils.  I have checked with the site and basically my card
> and the radeon 7500 have all the same specs except my card has a few
> extra ports on it(DV-I and TV-out).  It also have native support for
> extending the desktop accross two screens and then have a 3rd running
> with a different display on it.  I dont know why the 7500 would cost
> double of the VE, but as far as I can tell they are the same except the
> VE has a few more features.  But whatever, that is what I see.  And on
> the subject of XF86 4.1, I am sure it said it had full support for
> radeon chips.

4.1 did say that it has full support for radeon (the reason I purchased the 
card), it identified the card on my system, and X ran, but, I had many 
(sometimes 4 times a day) lockups that the only thing I could do was hit the 
reset button, the machine was completely hosed, no connection from outside 
(http,telnet,ssh, etc) and <ctrl><alt><F?> to switch consoles did not work.

I have seen a lot of good reports about 4.2, and I personally will wait for 
4.2 to make it to 'testing' before trying to re-install my radeon.


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