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Apache not talking beyond localhost

I've been trying to setup my new debian box (IP as an ftp/www/samba server, but I'm having trouble with apache. Httpd is definately running and serves pages when I type:

> lynx http://localhost

a netstat shows that it's listening for connections on port 80:

> tcp 0 0* LISTEN

but when I try to look at a page from another computer on the network I get an error 500: could not connect to server. ftp and samba work fine so I'm thinking it's an Apache configuration problem not the networking setup. Neither of the apache logs (access.log or error.log) gives anything EXCEPT I did try to telnet to the box on port 80 and these do appear in the logs as:

> - - [05/Mar/2002:23:05:40 +0000] "-" 408 -
> - - [05/Mar/2002:23:48:02 +0000] "-" 408 -

So the traffic is getting through on port 80, this is also confirmed by a tcpdump which shows packets coming through on port 80. As far as I can tell httpd.conf, access.conf and srm.conf are OK (document root is set to 'allow from all'). Can anyone point me towards where the problem might be, I've been baging my head on this for a whole day now.



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