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Many apologies for auto-reply spam

Title: Many apologies for auto-reply spam

Hi folks,

I understand from some private mails that my Outlook has been spamming every one of you who has posted to debian-user in the last week with Out of Office Auto-Replies.

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

I don't usually bother turning on auto-replies (partly due to concern over the possible effect on mailing lists) but my colleagues turned it on for me when my wife had a baby and I suddenly had a week off work.

Interestingly, Outlook (which I don't use out of choice!) doesn't seem to send auto-replies when the mail has been sent to an Exchange mail group, only when my name is explicitly mentioned on the To: or Cc: lines.  Therefore I hoped that mails sent to debian-user would also follow this approach, but it seems not to have been the case.

I guess the only solution is to unsubscribe from debian-user when I go on holiday, or not read it at all from work (I probably shouldn't anyway), unless anyone knows of a way to persuade Outlook not to be so daft.

Sorry again,


P.S. Apologies also for the random legalese that no doubt will be appended to this mail.

"This communication is intended solely for the addressee and is confidential and not for third party unauthorised distribution."

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