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Re: Apache virtualhosts with different user

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 05:36:45AM +0100, Dries Kimpe wrote:
> As the php-scripts will be parsed by the php-program (which is a regular
> CGI for apache). And here's the problem: I'm not sure
> if the cgi will
> run as the owner of the cgi-file, or as the owner of the php file. 
> Maybe the php version can be configured to switch to the owner of the file
> it's executing. I think it supports that, but am not sure...

At one of my old hosts (pair.com) they did it by having each user
install a php cgi binary in the user's cgi-bin.  After that, cgiwrap can
be used as it would be on a normal cgi program.

I can dig up the exact config if anyone's interested.  It's not overly
complicated, IIRC.


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