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Re: Yow, Madduck!

On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 07:39:16PM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:

| On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 07:06:59PM -0500, Mail Delivery System wrote:
| >   madduck@madduck.net:
| >     SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<madduck@madduck.net>:
| >     host mail.madduck.net []:
| >     504 <seal>:
| >     Helo command rejected:
| >     need fully-qualified hostname

| I don't have a domain.  My isp has one but I don't.  My
| FQHN is seal (and it's not visible from the internet anyway).
| I send mail from my mail client to local exim for delivery
| next time I dial up.
| exim rewrites the reply-to, from, etc to have the achilles.net,
| but I guess your software only looks at the original sender.
| Guess I can't email you then.

This has nothing to do with your email address.  An SMTP transfer
looks like (numbered lines are from the remote system) :

220 dman.ddts.net ESMTP Exim 3.33 #1 Thu, 10 Jan 2002 21:29:31 -0500
HELO <my host name>
250 dman.ddts.net Hello dman at dman.ddts.net []
MAIL FROM: dsh8290@rit.edu
250 <dsh8290@rit.edu> is syntactically correct
RCPT TO: <maddduck@madduck.net>
250 <maddduck@madduck.net> is syntactically correct
354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
From: dman <dsh8290@rit.edu>
Subject: this is an email :-)
Date: yeah, yeah 

this is the message body
250 OK id=16OrSl-0001HR-00
221 dman.ddts.net closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.

I did this via telnet (but sent the message to myself, and rewrote the
addresses above).  The mail message is between "DATA" and ".".  The
error you got is from HELO (or EHLO if you're using ESMTP as described
by RFC2821).

Clearly you are not using your ISPs system as a smarthost, but have
setup exim to deliver directly to the remote system.  What you need to
do then, is report your machine with a fully qualified name.  For
example you might be able to get away with putting

    primary_host = achilles.net

in your exim.conf.  This directive tells exim to use that name as the
hostname in the SMTP greeting (HELO/EHLO) instead of that reported by
the gethostbyname() C function (which returns the first thing after in /etc/hosts).  The problem you might run into there is if
another SMTP host rejects connections from machines whose name
claimed by the HELO/EHLO command doesn't match the IP of the machine
(verified via DNS).  The next step you can take is to install
the ddt-client package and sign up at ddts.net.  Then you'll get a
FQDN for yourself that will have an A record pointing to your IP when
you're connected (and pointing to an unroutable IP while you're not).
This works great for forward lookups (name->ip) but you don't get a 
reverse entry (ip->name).

For example for my machine I have :

$ host -a dman.ddts.net
dman.ddts.net           A

$ host -a
Name: 64-213-114-152.roc.frontiernet.net

Now this whole problem you're having is not because we don't like you,
but because spammers like to forge such data and we don't like them.
=p.  Just imagine, what would the world be like if people would treat
others nicely ... ... ...

Hmm, say, the next time you connect, see what IP you get and what
happens if you try a reverse lookup of it :
    $ host <ip>
also see if you can find out what hostname you were given (hopefully
the reverse lookup will do that).  Assuming your ISP hasn't been RBLed
or some such, you should be able to set your name (as far as exim is
concerned) to whatever name refers to your IP and then everything will
work out nicely.



the nice thing about windoze is - it does not just crash,
it displays a dialog box and lets you press 'ok' first.

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