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Re: Debian Vs RedHat

also sprach David B Harris <eelf@sympatico.ca> [2002.01.10.1854 +0100]:
> BTW, I see where you're heading. Yes, obviously, a great build
> environment will significantly ease a maintainer's burdens. But I still
> say that it's on the shoulders of the maintainer :)

but Debian's FHS-accordance is really what makes Debian stand out. with
the FHS, the maintainer's choices (and thus sources of error) are really
scaled down to the bare package-specific minimum, am i not right?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"... doch warum sollte nicht jeder einzelne
 aus seinem leben ein kunstwerk machen koennen?"
                                                    -- michel foucault

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