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FW: Re: Play VCD on computer

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----- Forwarded message from Kristiadi Himawan <ninchi@its.ac.id> -----

From: Kristiadi Himawan <ninchi@its.ac.id>
To: dman <dsh8290@ritvax.rit.edu>
Subject: Re: Play VCD on computer
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 18:22:37 +0700 (JAVT)

|On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 11:42:53AM +0200, alfons1 wrote:
|| Hi
|| Is there a way to play Vcd on computer without DVD drive ?
|| Thanks and regards,
|Yep -- xine.  Works great thought the picture is a bit small, but
|don't use esd for sound (very choppy when I tried it).  (I should also
|mention that I only tried it once on one vcd)

I use vlc, just try it.

----- End forwarded message -----


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