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Re: ssh2 denials

* nate (debian-user@aphroland.org) spake thusly:
> <quote who="shock">
> > I'm using ssh2 (www.ssh.com), and I'm trying to login to my home
> > machine from the office.  After entering "ssh home", I'm presented
> > with the password prompt.  I enter my password, and am presented
> > with the
> is ssh2 from www.ssh.com on the server or on the client?
> if its on the server be sure its compiled with pam otherwise
> it probably will not authenticate right with the password ..

this may be obvious to many, but not to me.  configure --help reveals:


what the heck to do i do with this?  what do i use for 'name'?
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| http://www.exitwound.org    : hard to find    |
| http://www.buckowensfan.com : he's the man    |
| Moe: Wanna play poker tonight? Joe: I can't.  |
| It's the kids' night out. Moe: So? Joe: I     |
| gotta stay home with the nurse.               |
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