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Re: ATI Radeon 32MB AGP 3D-Card DDR

On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 11:56:40AM +1000, Penguin wrote:
| Can I use this video card with Potato, on a Potato 2.2r4 CD set without 
| having to download any extra software for it?

You can use nearly any card in SVGA mode (they're all still
backwards compatible, right?) or the framebuffer is a great way to
forget about the headaches of X.

| Is it listed in the list of video cards when I use `XF86Setup?' What
| about the PCI version, ATI Radeon 32MB PCI 3D Card (with video out)
| SDR?

PCI vs. AGP is a small matter of hardware bridges.  The X server
doesn't see the difference, I don't thihk.

| What is DDR and SDR?

Likely Double Data Rate and Single Data Rate.  The new "DDR RAM" is
memory (SDRAM) that has twice the throughput capacity (hence "Double"
Data Rate).  SDR RAM is regular old SDRAM.

| Which is the best card, the AGP one or the PCI one?

AGP because the AGP bus is faster than the PCI bus and it is a
dedicated bus.  Whether or not that makes a difference in your usage
of it, I don't know.  Likely it doesn't for me, but why waste a PCI
slot when you can't use the AGP slot for anything else anyways?



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.
        James 1:27

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