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Re: VMWare

On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 09:25:16AM -0500, Mike Phillips wrote:
| > 
| > I would like to know if anyone in this list is using VMWare Workstation in 
| > order to run flavours of Windows with Debian GNU Linux as the host machine.
| This is my normal mode of operation at work. Running unstable, and
| Win98 under VMWare. Works like a charm, very rarely the machine will
| lock up, but this is usually when I'm moving the focus in and out of
| vmware too quickly. 
| You will need a sufficient amount of memory to make this acceptable.
| My laptop has 256mb with VMWare reserving 96mb and it work fine. Any
| less and it would be painful.

Is anyone willing to share the downsides/limitations as well?  I've
heard a lot of positive comments on this list (including Martin using
VMWare to fool some users into thinking they have a windows system),
but I know there must be another side to it.

How much does it cost?

What are the restrictions?  (Can I have 1 copy of VMWare on a big
machine and use it by a bunch of diskless X terms?)

How much disk space is required?  (For VMWare itself, I imagine that
windows will need just as much space as if it was by itself)

I still have to buy a real copy of windows, right?

How are the VMWare folks with support?  (quality, availability, cost) 

Would they look favorably on a charity group (wrt licensing/cost)?
For example, if I wanted to set up a network of obsolete hardware as
diskless X terms (with a single modern system serving them) with
windows running in vmware to teach underprivileged youths in a 3rd
world country.



Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
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