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Re: Eficient usage of modern hardware.

Thus spake Brian Nelson:
> "Stan Brown" <stanb@awod.com> writes:
> > I have alwys in the past been using recyled older computers, so this never
> > caem up.
> > 
> > Now I find myself in the fortunate poisiton of have several modern machines
> > wuth AGP 4X, AYA-100 266 MHZ bus, etc.
> > 
> > Here is the question, given a woidy install, what do I need to to to make
> > certain each of these new enhancments actullu gets used, isntead of falling
> > back to compability mode?
> > 
> > X setup? boot time kernel options? compile tiem kernel options?
> > 
> > And how can I determien for ceratin whether they are or are not getting
> > used?
> man ispell
Agreed, but perhaps more helpfully - read the kernel docs for support
for your hardware - most of it should work just fine on a 2.4 series
kernel - try to stay with the newer ones, as the early ones had some
problems.  You can see if UDMA, etc is being used by either:
a)looking at the BIOS messages
b)looking at dmesg, which will tell you the mode of the drives
c)playing with hdparm

(c) shouldn't be necessary - most modern disks and hardware use UDMA
and readahead and whatnot by default, and I haven't had any problems
with the kernel agreeing amicably.  There are kernel config options
for enabling AGP and so forth.
Good luck and have fun,
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